HEAL Your Body

HEAL Your Body

Stop the guessing game of trying to figure out what is wrong now and which doctor to see this week. Your body is not broken, it CAN be healed. Take power over your health and learn how to support, nourish and care of your body so you can feel your best and live the life you dream of.

The Creator: Colleen Clesen-NDTR, Holistic Esthetician & Owner of Heal 180

I've spent the last 12 years going to school, researching and diving into anything and everything I could revolved around health and nutrition. I fought my own battle with Ovarian Cancer and after surgeries and chemotherapy I was told I may never be able to have children of my own. I was beaten down and seemed to be even sicker after my cancer was finally gone. None of it made sense to me, how could I be even more sick now? I was cancer free. After years of confusion and frustration I can finally say I've found how to truly heal my own body and it starts at the cellular level and with my metabolism. As a woman my fertility meant everything to me, even when I wasn't actively trying to become pregnant. To me fertility meant health. And when it came time to try for a baby my husband and I were able to concieve naturally and have a healthy baby and Mom. I credit all of this to my education and healing journey. I now use my knowledge and tools to help other women feel confident about their health and redefine the way they take care of themselves.

No More FAD Diets

Learn to nourish your body for optimal health and break free from the diet culture for good!

Cycle Syncing

Learn to sync your monthly cycle up with your exercise routines, nutrition and daily tasks each month for optimal health and hormone balance.

Break Up With Birth Control

Learn your options when it comes to birth control. You will learn all about the FAM method and how to detox after the pill and gain back your health and fertility.

Example Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Hormones & Metabolism
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Nourishing Your Body
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Impact of Stress
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Birth Control
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Preconception Planning
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Healing: Emotional & Physical Support
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Success on Your Weight Loss Journey
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Let's Start Healing Your Body
Available in days
days after you enroll

HEAL Your Body Course Investment

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  • Washington State
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin

Tax varies by state and their own individual laws.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is this course mainly for?

A: Anyone looking to end the constant search for health on google. Someone who is looking to heal their body for good. Specifically, women looking to balance hormones, get pregnant, break-up with birth control, gain back their energy and health.

Q: Is the HEAL Your Body course suitable for people on a vegetarian or vegan diet?

A: A majority of the nutrient dense foods suggested in this healing course do come from animals. With that being said it would be encouraged to be including at least fish and eggs in the diet in order to reap the nutritional benefits of the course.

Q: Are the suggestions in this course something I can do if I'm currently undergoing IVF and/or fertility treatment?

A: ABOSULTELY! All the nutrition suggestions in this course will only help you heal your body and encourage a healthy, thriving pregnancy. But it is always encouraged to discuss any nutritional and supplement changes you plan to make with your physician.

Q: Are the suggestions in this course something I can do if I'm pregnant and/or breastfeeding?

A: Yes! While there are some detox steps that aren't suggested during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the majority of the course are ALL thing that can only benefit your pregnancy and nutrition for breastfeeding.

Q: How long will the course take me?

A: The HEAL Your Body course is something you can work on at your own pace and you have lifetime access to it once purchased. It consists of 6 main modules, with 5 hours or so of videos. Between the videos and content it can take anywhere from a total of 24-36 hours to complete depending on how much time you put into each module and lecture.

Q: What is the refund policy?

A: There is no refund after purchase, since the program can be immediately accessed and downloaded. But, if you find the course isn't satisfying your needs then please reach out directly via email and we can look a little deeper at your own personal health issues to help make the course more beneficial for you.

Q: Is there a meal plan and recipes included?

A: While there isn't a strict meal plan included, there are over 50+ recipes, meal ideas and healthy eating plans included in the course.

"I came to Colleen after being on the birth control pill for 15 years. I was told by my doctor that I had to be on it in order to have a period each month, every time I'd try and go off (for 6+ months) I would never get my period back. I decided enough was enough and I was ready to get off the pill for good. Colleen helped me transition off the pill, support my hormones, and my period came back for the first time on it's own (since I was 15 years old!) only 9 weeks after going of the pill. Being able to regain my health and control over my own body has been simply short of amazing, I'm so glad I found Colleen when I did."

-Lisa S.